Texas Shark Bite: Safety Precautions, Treatment, and Recovery - Ali Hervey

Texas Shark Bite: Safety Precautions, Treatment, and Recovery

Shark Bite Statistics in Texas: Texas Shark Bite

Texas shark bite

Texas shark bite – Texas has a relatively low number of shark bites compared to other coastal states in the United States. According to the International Shark Attack File, there have been 33 unprovoked shark attacks in Texas since 1882, resulting in 4 fatalities.

The majority of shark bites in Texas occur in the Gulf of Mexico, with Galveston and Brazoria counties accounting for the highest number of incidents. The most common type of shark responsible for bites in Texas is the blacktip shark, followed by the bull shark and the great white shark.

Factors Contributing to Shark Bites in Texas, Texas shark bite

  • Coastal population density: The higher the number of people swimming, surfing, and fishing in the ocean, the greater the chance of an encounter with a shark.
  • Water temperature: Sharks are more active in warm water, so the warmer the water temperature, the more likely it is that sharks will be present in coastal waters.
  • Presence of baitfish: Sharks are attracted to areas where there is a large concentration of baitfish, such as near piers and jetties.
  • Time of day: Sharks are most active at dawn and dusk, so these are the times when the risk of a shark bite is highest.

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